序號 衛教單張名稱
1 24小時尿液 採檢衛教單.pdf
2 24小時尿液(加酸)採檢衛教單.pdf
3 HA-9-0020(2) Instruction for semen specimen collection.doc
4 HA-9-0021(2)Instruction for stool specimen collection.doc
5 HA-9-0023(1) Instructions for 24-hour urine specimen collection.doc
6 HA-9-0024(1) Instructions for 24-hour urine specimen collection (acid added and keep from the light).doc
7 HA-9-0026(1)_Instructions_for_sputum_specimen_collection.doc
8 口服50 75 100克葡萄糖耐量試驗 採檢衛教單.pdf
9 尿液培養 採檢衛教單.pdf
10 痰液檢驗 採檢衛教單.pdf
11 精液檢驗 採檢衛教單.pdf
12 糞便檢驗 採檢衛教單.pdf